Class Teacher - Mr Moore
We are Year 6. You can read our class blog HERE.
This year our topics are: The journey of Trade, World War 2, Africa, Benin, The Windruch and Monarchy.
We are looking forward to learning many new things this year in class and on trips around London, including visits to the Science Museum and the Royal Museums, Greenwich.
The adults who works in Year 6 are Mr Moore and Miss Ruth.
Our P.E. days are Tuesday with our class teacher and Thursday with Coach. We have Year 6 band on Thursdays so don't forget your instruments!
Year 6 is an important year as we have our SATs tests. We have SATs tests in reading, mathematics and SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) and our creative writing will also be assessed.
During the year we will work really hard and will try our very best. We are all going to have a brilliant year!
To find out more about the Y6 curriculum and what we're doing in class please click on the links below: