St Andrews CE Primary School believes strongly in an inclusive approach to education and we aim to provide equality of opportunity for all children. This is seen as the responsibility of the whole school community, and applicable to all our pupils. However, we know that the following groups of learners may need some extra support to reach their potential.
“The dynamic leadership team are 'inclusion focussed' and work hard to support all their pupils, families and staff. Great importance is placed on the mental health and wellbeing of all.”
Flagship Inclusion Quality Mark Award 2022.
“The school is proud of being an inclusive school and their school motto 'Reach for the Stars and beyond!' This is underpinned by their six core values of faithfulness, joy, kindness, peace, love and perseverance. St. Andrew's is a calm, happy, welcoming and vibrant community, where staff and governors work a a team and share a commitment to continuous school improvement and meeting the needs of every child." Flagship Inclusion Quality Mark Award 2022.
“Pupils behaviour in and around the school is outstanding. They are respectful to others. They have very positive attitudes to learning. Pupils and staff are proud to be part of the St. Andrew's family.” OFSTED 2019
Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities:
“The school works very effectribely with a wide range of external agencies, including the educational psychologist, speech and language therapists, Lambeth Autism Advisory Service and their own educational psychotherapist.” Flagship Inclusion Quality Mark Award 2022.
“Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported by skilful staff. Consequently, they make good progress from their starting points.”
“The special educational needs and disabilities co-ordinator (SENDCO) is highly knowledgeable. She reviews assessment information in detail and has a comprehensive understanding of the progress pupils make. She ensures that pupils with SEND received additional help promptly, and that it is of high quality.” OFSTED 2019
Children with any special needs and disabilities are welcomed for admission and wherever possible their needs are met. We are committed to ensuring that disabled pupils can participate fully in the school curriculum, and take an active role in all extra-curricular activities.
The staff work in partnership with parents/carers and pupils and liaise with external agencies to build upon pupil’s strengths and support areas of difficulty. Please see our ‘Special Educational Needs and Disabilities’ School Report for more information about how we provide for children with SEND.
Read our SEND Information Report HERE
Click HERE for the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Local Offer
Children who are looked after by Social Services or who are living with foster families:
We provide a safe learning environment for our Looked after Pupils ensuring that their individual needs are met by maintaining good communication with those caring for the child, social services and support services. We commit to attending review meetings and ensuring the targets set on Personal Education Plans are integrated into school life.
Children whose home language is not English:
“The school has a celebratory culture that supports all children’s achievements. Families with differences in cultures and belief are welcomed.”
Inclusion Quality Mark Award 2013.
At St Andrews CE Primary School we welcome and value pupils who speak more than one language and who represent a range of different cultures and backgrounds. Between them, the pupils at the school currently speak 24 languages! We celebrate these different languages through the everyday life of the school, and during special events such as ‘International Evening’. When a child arrives at St Andrews who does not speak English, they will receive extra support from staff and be given a peer mentor who speaks the same language to help them settle in. In Ks2, a group of pupils called ‘Language Experts’ promote a range of languages and cultures through assemblies, events and presentations. They also act as peer translators where needed.
Children who are Able, Gifted and/or Talented:
“The staff at St Andrews expect their pupils to be aspirational… Children are engaged and reflective about their learning.” Inclusion Quality Mark Award 2013
“Lessons are planned in detail, ensuring they are interesting and challenging for everyone and there are many imaginative and exciting activities planned for pupils.” Flagship Inclusion Quality Mark Award, 2017
“Pupils… who are more able, achieve well, reflecting the school’s promotion of equal opportunity.”
We are committed to providing an environment which encourages all pupils, including more able pupils to maximise their potential a high level of performance in an academic and non-academic areas. A High Achiever can be usually defined as the top 5-10% of academic achievers however high achievers are also identified in non-academic areas.
We aim to encourage pupils to be independent learners and provide work at an appropriate level and opportunities for pupils to work with like-minded peers both within school and the wider community. Provision for pupils is through quality first teaching and differentiation in the classroom, teacher expectation of pupil performance and additional learning activities wherever possible.
Children who are at risk of harm, disaffection or disadvantage:
This group of pupils includes…
- Pupils who may be subject to abuse, or harassment.
- Pupils whose family are in crisis, or under great stress.
- Children whose families may be asylum seekers or refugees.
- Pupils with poor attendance.
- Pupils who are at risk of disengagement or exclusion from school.
At St Andrew's, we have a strong pastoral team. Miss Sue, our Parent Partnership Leader, is dedicated to offering support to families and signposting them to further help where needed. Our Psychotherapist and Well-being Lead, Mr Collins supports children in school if they are experiencing difficulties relating to their wellbeing.
Inclusion is at the heart of school life at St Andrews CE Primary School. We asked the children what they thought made an inclusive school, and they answered…..
“Inclusion is about welcoming everyone, even when they are different to us.”
“Inclusion is helping people to take part in activities and learning.”
“In our inclusive school, everyone feels safe, happy and included.”
“Everyone should do their best and everyone is helped to improve every day.”
“The teachers and friends believe in you, and you believe in yourself.”
“It means that some people are different, but that’s ok… that’s good. They are your equal.”
“If you speak a different language, we have translators.”
“If you have a problem the school help you to solve it…. You have a problem solver, like we have Miss Sue.”
“Inclusion means helping your friends if they are upset or lonely.”
“Inclusion means including everybody… and that means every single person.”
Read our Special Educational Needs and Inclusion Policy HERE
Our Inclusion Team:
The St Andrews community work as a team to support children in overcoming any difficulties they may have. This team may include parents and carers, teachers, and external professionals.
Meet the key members of our Inclusion Team…
Miss Forrest, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCO)
Jayne Mitchell, Executive Headteacher and Child Protection Officer
Miss Sue Robbins, Parent Partnership Leader
Mr Collins, Psychotherapist and Well-Being Lead
Miss Betty, SEN Support Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Miss Sharon, SEN Support Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Miss Ruth, SEN Support Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Jo Wood, Educational Psychologist
Tess Miller, Educational Psychotherapist
,Speech and Language Therapist
Noel Gardner, Larkhall Outreach Worker for children with Autism