Starting primary school is an exciting time for you and your child, but it can also seem complicated. We understand that you want to find the best primary school in Lambeth for your child.
That’s why it’s important that you get as much information as you need so that you can make the decision that is right for you and your child.
You want your child to get the best possible education in a safe and caring environment. That’s what the best primary schools in Lambeth guarantee for your family.
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But every child is different and every school has differences in their vision and achievements.
Luckily, all Lambeth primary schools are committed to providing the highest standards of education and excellent opportunities for all our children.
In the latest Government SAT tests, Lambeth schools significantly outperformed the national average for attainment in reading, writing and maths, setting up children like yours for success at secondary school.
Finding the best primary school in Lambeth for your child
If your child is due to start school next September, you’ll want to visit your preferred choice school for a tour or an open morning as soon as possible.
Our school holds these at 10:00am every Thursday morning (and a few Tuesdays!) between now and Christmas and you can book a place to see our primary school and meet the staff and pupils by clicking here:
One of the most important things you need to find out is whether your child is likely to be offered a place at the school of your choice.
What is the admission criteria and will there be any available places?
In our case, St Andrews Primary will usually be able to accommodate those who choose us as the best school in Lambeth for their child.
St Andrew’s has a first class reputation and 93% of parents look to recommend us to other parents.
That’s probably because 100% of our parents know that their child is happy and safe at our school (Strongly agree or agree in the Ofsted Parent View Survey Results)
![Standrews graph 2](
And the same report states that we maintain ‘a good quality of education’ and that the ‘school is improving towards outstanding’.
In other words, we’re on an upward curve and will be for the entire time that your child is at primary school.
Our hard work and dedication to success is paying off with the pupils ‘making strong progress’.
But because we are hidden away in a quiet residential street, our catchment area is small enough to have space for local children who want to come here.
What makes us a great Lambeth primary?
Our Ofsted report highlights that we have high attendance rates that ensure our pupils will benefit from their learning.
It also says that ‘standards of behaviour are high and relationships between adults and children are based on mutual respect’.
That’s part of the reason why our children are happy and feel safe.
But you don’t have to take our word for it because it’s not us that claim we’re the best.
That comes from our parents and the children themselves!
"My kids have all been very happy at St Andrew's. It's so warm and welcoming and everyone supports each other.”
Kytisha, Raheema's Mum
And, of course, parents are looking for the best school in Lambeth for an all round education for their children.
So whilst we’re dedicated to first class teaching for every pupil at St Andrew’s we are also dedicated to exceptional pastoral care. Our focus is to help every child achieve to the maximum of their ability.
We stimulate, challenge and inspire all of our pupils and work with all parents so that all our children learn and grow in their time with us.
When you’re looking for a centre of excellence for your child, St Andrew’s is your first choice.
At one of the very best Lambeth primary schools, your child will:
- flourish regardless of their starting point
- thrive in a safe and helpful environment
- enjoy their education and understand how it will help them succeed in life
- become a creative, confident, articulate, and happy individual
Extended childcare in Lambeth Schools
Not only do you want a school that gives your child the best education possible and safeguards them at all times.
You and your child are guaranteed that at St Andrew’s.
But you’ll also need convenience and support so that your child’s first class education fits in with your busy life and work.
That’s why St Andrew’s offers one of the best extended childcare programmes in Lambeth.
Your child can start the school day at 8:00 am with our Breakfast Club (that all our pupils and parents seem to love) and they can stay at school after the school day ends at 3:30pm right up until 6:00pm with our after school club.
That might not be right for you and your child every day but it’s great to know that whenever you need it, and when life just gets in your way, you can trust your child’s school to be there to look after your child.
And to do so with the same level of care as you do.
Take it from us, they might not even miss you and won’t be ready to leave when you do arrive to pick them up!
What they say about our Lambeth primary School
We’ve told you why St Andrew’s is one of the best primary schools in Lambeth that your child can join.
But, we should leave it to the pupils and parents to tell you in their own words.
So here they are:
"My kids have all been very happy at St Andrew's. It's so warm and welcoming and everyone supports each other.”
Kytisha, Raheema's Mum
"Children in larger schools usually get lost in the system. We're more of a community here.”
If you still haven’t booked your school tour, click here to get that set up now.