At St. Andrew's, we understand that all our children are talented and able to excel. We also strive to identify talents, interests and abilities in those children who are particularly able or gifted in a range of areas.
Our AGT register encompasses all areas of the curriculum from maths and writing to arts and science.

Teachers attain the best from able learning in the everyday classroom, while enabling all learners to flourish and achieve, through carefully planned learning and high quality teaching.
In addition, we provide projects and opportunities for children to experience a specialist level of input such as working with specialists or taking part in trips and visits.
St. Andrew's is a member of NACE, the National Association for Able Children in Education, a leading national education organisation and charity, established for over 30 years.
The Association exists to support teachers in providing for pupils with high abilities whilst enabling all pupils to flourish. It provides advice, training and resources for teachers, including The NACE Challenge Award Self-Evaluation Framework.
We are very proud to hold the NACE Challenge Award. This Award is given for high quality work by the whole school, teachers and governors, in challenging all pupils, including those with high abilities, to achieve their best.
NACE Chief Executive Sue Riley said: “St Andrew's CE Primary School has worked hard to win the NACE Challenge Award status. It has shown itself to be committed to developing a school and providing an education where all pupils are challenged to be the best they can be.”
Assessors, for the award, were impressed by the strong leadership and management of provision which keeps the needs of more able learners at the forefront of the school’s work, supported effectively by governors.
They judged the quality of the school’s work by observing lessons, interviewing the pupils, teachers, parents and governors and by looking at the pupils’ work.
The accreditation was made on the basis of the high quality and commitment they saw across the school.
How are the More Able and Talented pupils challenged?
Our pupils are challenged in a variety of ways including through appropriately challenging activities, open-ended tasks, leadership roles, extra-curricular and curriculum enrichment opportunities.
These children are provided with extension for learning in class, which include:
At St. Andrew’s we have a range of enrichment/extra-curricular provision to meet the needs of able pupils and to give opportunities for them to use their skills in areas beyond the core curriculum.
These activities are designed to challenge and inspire pupils in scholarship that is outward looking with a broad perspective and to encourage high aspirations.
Pupils are also given the opportunity to work on projects with secondary schools and other primary schools.